Moulin Roty

Today, Moulin Roty represents 40 years of dreams and softness. A multitude of characters and stories have punctuated the years.
Moulin Roty is also 75 people across the world of which 37 are associates-employees based in Nort sur Erdre. In 2010, Moulin Roty achieved two figure growth.
Moulin Roty offers more than 800 references and each year, 1.5 million products leave the company for destinations both near and far : France, neighbouring countries, the USA, Japan, Australia . . . Our comforters cross oceans and are sold throughout the world.
A big thank you :
To all those, be they near or far, who have collaborated or who collaborate on this adventure.
To our customers, parents and grand-parents, who place their trust in the brand, and to the children who delight us with their gentleness and enthusiasm,
To all the toys and characters from Moulin Roty without whom none of this would exist!
We wish a long life to this enthralling venture…